Happy Labor Day from Archery Excellence!!
It’s Monday!! …but its a holiday too >>–> Labor Day!!
Come join in our 3D Animal Indoor Archery Shoot this morning from 7 am to noon!!
We have 30 targets (15 targets, shoot through the line twice)
Youth & Adult Divisions/Distances
*** Since this is Labor Day, and we deserve a little payback for all the labor we put into hunting those critters and beautiful animals this time of year, we have changed this event from giving away Trophies to doing a PAYBACK for all classes!! ***
Trickle start **7:00-10:00 am : Cards in by **12:00pm.
Register on-line at https://cbayou.org/
Adults $13.50 / Youth $11.50
Men’s Open (any equipment)
Men’s Bowhunter (12″ stabilizer, fixed pins)
Men’s Traditional (Stick & String – Olympic style or Traditional longbow or recurve – no sights)
Women’s Compound (any compound equipment)
Women’s Traditional (Stick & String – Olympic style or traditional longbow or recurve – no sights)
Youth Compound (any compound equipment)
Youth Traditional (Stick & String – Olympic style or traditional longbow or recurve – no sights)
Concessions available!
Use your bow or rent one of ours!
>>>—> To keep everyone honest, and to prevent the appearance of any challenges in scoring, the buddy system will be put into effect for this shoot as well, as it worked really well for our August 3D tournament!
- by cbayou
- posted at 12:48 pm
- September 5, 2016
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