Shots from the Field

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IMG_0982 IMG_0980 IMG_0976 IMG_0967 IMG_0956 IMG_0966 IMG_0949 IMG_0944 IMG_0870 IMG_0869 IMG_0862 IMG_0859 IMG_0855 IMG_0853 IMG_0850 IMG_0848 IMG_0847

IMG_1347 IMG_1346 IMG_1345 IMG_1344 IMG_1342 IMG_1348 IMG_1350 IMG_1351 On this page… you will find pictures from different places we have been teaching archery! 


It could be a youth groupa camp… a group archery lessona tournament… or lots of other Archery events…


Check back frequently for new Shots From The Field!!      IMG_1337 IMG_1335 IMG_1334 IMG_1333