No Trick, Only Treat!! Half Off Lane Rental on Halloween 2017!!
Come rent a lane with us at Archery Excellence at 4420 South Noland Road in Independence, MO (in the Northwest corner building in the Noland South Shopping Center) to practice your “trick” shooting on Halloween, Tuesday, October 31st for Half Price!!
The price is no trick… only a treat for those who come… any age, any ability only $3.50 for an hour lane rental or $7.50 for the whole evening lane rental!!
If you don’t have your own equipment, you can rent ours (first come, first served)… Equipment rental is $5/hour or $14 for the evening, and includes bow, arrows, armguard and glove!!
No costume required… unless you really want to dress up to shoot – LOL!
We are open 4-9 pm!! Come join in the fun!! We have lots of candy too for anyone who visits!!
- by cbayou
- posted at 4:14 pm
- October 30, 2017
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