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Thursday Archery Lessons – week 2

archery lesson archery archery lesson archery lessons archery lessons archery lessons archery lessons archery lessons archery lesson archery lesson archery lessons Independence IMG_2041 archery lessons Independence IMG_2039 archery lessons KC archery lessons KC archery class archery class archery class archery lessons KC archery archery class archery classes archery classes archery class archery classes archery classes KC archery classes archery classes archery classes archery classes KC archery classes Independence archery classes Independence archery classes archery archery classes Independence archery classes Independence archery archery classes KC




Thursday is full of excitement as we have 2 archery classes that we are offering currently.





The Thursday classes take place at the Salvation Army Community Center at 14700 E Truman Road in Independence, MO from 6-7 pm and 7:30-8:30 pm.





Each class is full of eager students of all ages ready to learn whatever archery skills we might throw at them!





We are in our 4th week of archery lessons this week, but we haven’t had the opportunity to capture pictures each week.





The pictures you see here are a few of the snapshots we were able to capture from week 2 lessons!






We look forward to the opportunity of working with all of our archery students each week.






If you have come across this page and are interested in joining us for the next session of archery lessons, or if you are already apart of our current classes and you want to continue with archery lessons, you can sign up here!




Stay safe and warm today!






Hope to see all of our students this Thursday evening, weather permitting!

  • by cbayou
  • posted at 5:18 pm
  • February 5, 2014

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